Advice or help needed please

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  • #33545

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    Hi, I’m 20 years old and need some help or advice.I never realised how important a career was when I was younger and just thought everything would be okay. Now I’m paying for my stupidity.I left school with low GCSE’s grades and went to college to study brick laying and carpentry. I didn’t enjoy it and knew it wasn’t what I wanted to do, I really regret studying it and wish I studied something else instead and went on to university. I just messed around all the time and eventually got kicked out with no qualifications.I became depressed and was unemployed for around 2 years. I started trying to find a job again and get my life back on track. I could only find temporary agency work, working in a warehouse which was good but I didn’t want to do it long term. I then started doing a apprenticeship in telesales but it was low pay and I had to spend money on travel as well so I quit that. I then got a job kitchen fitting but I was really bored most of the time and it caused me depression. I should of stayed and learnt a trade but in the heat of the moment I quit. Then I started a job for a agency again doing customer service on the phone, it was good money and I was enjoying it but stupidly out of desperation of finding a job I lied on my CV and got caught so they ended my assignment. I have started a new job doing telesales again but I have realised it’s not what I want to do and I don’t enjoy it. So I’m quitting it.I don’t even have a idea of what I want to do now. I feel so lost and confused.I don’t want to get a job that causes me depression but there is not many options where I live.I would like to be a fitness instructor but have heard it’s hard to get into and doesn’t pay well. I don’t have qualifications so wouldn’t even know where to start.Being a chef would interest me but again I don’t know how to become one without qualifications.I’m scared that I’m going to become homeless and never experience happiness again but I don’t want to live life everyday hating it.I can’t keep relying on my mum and benefits. I have wasted too much time being depressed and need to get a career.But I have no qualifications, no experience and my confidence has hit rock bottom. What should I do? Can some people tell me what they would do in this situation?Thanks for reading.[/color]


    Firstly, it is never too late to get some qualifications. A lot of adult colleges offer English and maths GCSEs free to the unemployed, so if you have one of these colleges your area then you should certainly take a look at it, as having these things will help you to get to the next stage of applications. I always advise people to get voluntary work where possible, as it can build skills that are very useful for other jobs. The most important thing is to be proactive.

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