Can Employers ask about my children, marriage and age?

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  • #33398
    Learnist Careers

    Can Employers ask about my children, marriage and age?

    .  Your personal details including whether you have dependents, if you’re married, how old you are, your sexuality, race or religion cannot be demanded on an application form.  Employment Law has ensured these questions have been removed in order to reduce the likelihood of individuals being discriminated against for these reasons.

    You may find these questions on a survey at the end of your application form, however these should not form part of the information used to decide whether you are an appropriate candidate for the vacancy.  If you have completed an online application, this survey should usually be hidden from the manager considering who to interview.


    They usually ask them in a general way as in a next of kin way – however it’s not part of the actual application form


    I think that they can ask the questions but are not allowed to discriminate against you due to your answers.

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