Career in Web Design – but I’m 40

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    I think my ideal job would be as a web designer. I have been interested in ‘the internet’ for about a year now and have a few basic websites and have dabbled in internet marketing, blogs, eBay, SEO and so on.

    I’d like to earn my living from this full time. Either working for a web design company or perhaps as a freelance web designer/ developer.

    But there is a problem……..

    1) I’m 40 years old, and this is a young persons game.
    2) The work I have done to date has been in the public sector and totally unrelated to IT in any way
    3) I’ve got loads to learn – PHP, ASP, MY SQL, Flash, Photoshop, to begin with – before I could become competent enough to work in this field, and this could take a long time, fitting in my training around other commitments.

    Getting the knowledge is the easy part with websites, books and forums to help. But with the many barriers I have outlined above, I do wonder if this is just something I should save for my spare time, rather than a new career to support a wife and family for the next 20 years.

    I’d be interested to know what other people think.

    Learnist Careers

    The good thing about this game is that you can always do it as a hobby and make some money on the side with it! Wink

    While the SEO / web design industry is more and more dominated by younger folks, I don’t think that necessarily excludes others.

    You have to start somewhere – whether it’s earning money as a business or creating experience to apply for jobs with. I guess you’ve already got a website or two online so perhaps you could look at monetising those?

    Or you could setup some more and slap on some advertising?

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