Commis Chef Pay – What Salary Commis Chef Can Earn?

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    How much salary can a Commis Chef can earn? What are their hourly rate?

    My firend has a great deal of experience in catering, how much would he earn for a job in London.

    He has NVQ2 Food Preparation & Cooking and NVQ3 Patisserie.

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Learnist Careers

    Chef salaries are completely depending on where you work however here are the average Chef pay rates in the UK:

    – If you are new or in training then your starting salary can be around £12k a year.

    – Section chefs (chefs de partie) can earn up to £16k a year.

    – Second chef (sous chef) can earn around £22k a year.

    – Head Chefs can earn up to £50,000 a year.

    Related job guides:

    Chef Cover letter example
    Chef CV Template


    thanks for the links 🙂


    It’s really hard to say to be honest what they can earn.  It depends as with everything on the employer and how much they are willing to pay.

    As a Commis chef is effectively the “bottom” rung of the chef ladder, i wouldnt expect a large salary.  If the restaurant is part of a big chain you could find yourself just on minimum wage, whereas a smaller independant looking to attract the best chefs could well pay more


    any job for a gril chef

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