Declaring your disability on job applications

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  • #31970
    Learnist Careers

    It may be that you have a disability which will not affect your ability to do the job, but perhaps you have concerns that the employer may not view you objectively if you declare your disability. It is not a legal requirement to declare disabilitys in your application, so you can make your own decision on this, but remember that there is a good chance that disclosure could highlight your personal skills and qualities in overcoming any disability to the employer.

    By disclosing your disability you will automatically be provided access to equal opportunities and training schemes in place under current legislation. There may also be implications for the employer in terms of health and safety such as a requirement for workplace adaptations, which the employer will need to know, although funding is available to help employers make necessary changes.

    However, if you do not disclose a disability on an applicaiton form when you are specifically asked, or on a medical form, this could give rise to dismissal at a later date.

    If you disclose a disability in your covering letter, remember to be positive and highlight your skills and experience, and the additional skills you have obtained to overcome your disabiltiy.

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