Electrician Salary – Average Electrician Pay Rates

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  • #32236
    Learnist Careers

    Electrician Salary

    You must be qualified to work as an electrician due to the dangers involved. You must prove you understand how electricity works, what the dangers are and how to correctly work within the government’s rules and regulations.  An electrician can work in many different areas but the most popular is domestic electrics. This can involve fitting new electrical circuits in homes and businesses and fixing existing electrical problems such as lights or appliances.

    Electricians can do a lot of maintenance and annual checks of systems for businesses and landlords for insurance purposes as well as working in construction sites, factories or even electrical plants.  You need to be able to follow plans, work safely and logically and have good problem solving skills.

    You will need a Level 3 NVQ Diploma from City and Guilds in order to work as an electrician. This includes classroom work and practical work to ensure you can apply what you have learnt. You will also get assigned a work placement as part of the NVQ training which is a fantastic way to learn everything you need to work as an electrician.  (Some aspects of working as an electrician will need additional qualifications like the Part P and PAT). There is also the possibility of doing an apprenticeship from school.

    Starting salary:          £8,000 as an apprentice
    Newly qualified:         £17,000
    Experienced salary:   £30,000 up

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