Getting onto Jobseekers

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    I’m looking for some advice.
    Soon i will be done with college and i don’t have a job, finding a job is probably not the hardest part for me
    as there are plenty of jobs around me, but the thing is, i have problems with my back and i can’t do just any labor work.
    I get back ache after standing for over 10 minutes doing simple things like dish washing, even just standing and not doing anything for a while.
    at the moment since my mother is still claiming child benefit since i’m attending college but once that stops i don’t have income and her income
    isn’t enough to support us, let alone pay for the house.

    What ground do i stand on? once i go to Job Centre i they’ll want me to look for any job but i can’t do any job with my back ache,
    any advice is huge help, thanks.

    Learnist Careers

    You should visit the Job Centre and talk to your advisor.  They will have advice about the sort of work you can apply for and the expectations you should have.  There may also be incapacity benefit that you can claim??

    In the meantime look for the sorts of jobs which don’t involve lots of manual labour and start applying.  The sooner you get into jobseeking, the better!

    It would also be wise to talk to your doctor and maybe get a referral to a physiotherapist.  They will be able to give you exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

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