How long should a covering letter be?

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    How long should a covering letter be? i am going to write a job application letter and i don’t want it to be either too long or too small so what is the best lenght for this cover letters?


    Learnist Careers

    the rule is it can not be more than a page!

    and i think 3-4 paragraph is long enough for a cover letter.


    Very tricky.  I would say definatly not longer than a page, they are likely to get bored before getting to the end.
    Certainly a few paragraphs, it really depends on how much information you need to include.  As you are aiming it at a specific job/field, you should include some experience you have in the area, but this should lead them to look at your CV for more information


    It should not exceed one page and this must contain only 3 paragraphs.

    In the first para, mention the job position you are applying for, how you came to know about the position.

    In the second para, mention how your qualifications and experience relate to the job position.

    In the third para, conclude the letter by thanking the employer for considering you.

    Make sure that the same matter doesn’t repeat in the CV!!


    I would say that half a page to three-quarters of a page is fine. Don’t make your paragraphs too long and chunky, as this makes it difficult for the employer to read and find the information he/she is looking for.

    It should be no more than a page, and not all in one or two chunks. Definitely make sure you have 3 paragraphs at the very least.

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