How to quit over the phone

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  • #31982
    Learnist Careers

    Its best to resign in person and quitting your job over the phone is not considered the best way. There are times when you can’t really resign in person, so quitting over the is the next best alternative for you. Remember if you are quitting over the phone, you may find it more difficult to recognise your boss’ reaction and your employer may not want to give you a positive reference for future employers. Lets find out about quitting a job over the phone.

    If you intend to resign over the phone, there are a couple of things you might want to do first?

    – delete all of your personal files from your computer

    – take everything belonging to you

    – say goodbye to your ex-colloeagues

    – check once again you have not left anything in your computer

    – talk to your manager or supervisor

    – Give a brief description of our reasons for leaving. Don’t go on too much about why you’re leaving, and certainly don’t speak badly about the company or your boss’ actions.

    – It’s not the best way to quit with a leaving message. If you don’t want to talk to your boss or managers you can ring your office and leave a message. However this way will cost you a reference.

    Remember to apologise for quitting and leaving your employer without cover. Remind them about your final check and personal belongings to be sent to you if there is anything left behind.  It is always good practice, and you employer might also request, that you give your notice in writing for their records.


    I certainly wouldnt quit over the phone.  I dont think its the “done” thing – email would be much better, as you can say with certainty that they have got that, whereas someone can deny the phonecall and this would impact on your wages, your tax allowances and everything else


    No company will accept the resignation over the phone. Resignation letter must be given through mail or in person. This is must for each and every company!!


    It depends, some will take the resignation over the telephone PROVIDING it is then followed up by a letter or email.  It depends on the company and if they mainly operate remotely


    I’ve never heard of a company accepting resignation over the phone, although I assume there are some out there who do.

    I have, however, seen many times in the terms and conditions that resignation is required “IN WRITING”. Before phoning up to resign, you might want to check out whether or not this is actually allowed.

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