I lied during a job interview, how to fix this in second interview?

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    I lied about my employment status during a job interview, how to fix this in second interview?

    I lied during a job interview about my employment status. I have told them that I was still employed instead of telling them the truth that i was left the company months ago.

    How to fix this? I need to tell them the truth but how?


    Oh dear! You should never lie in an interview, because most companies have a policy that if you are deceitful and truth about something is discovered later, you can be immediately terminated. My friend did this (although she lied about being sacked for stealing from her previous company) and was actually escorted from the premises by the area manager and a security guard. How embarrassing!

    I suppose the only thing you could do is come clean, and just say you answered incorrectly out of nerves and that you realised immediately what you had done but were too embarrassed to correct yourself. This makes you look a bit silly but is probably the closest to the truth you can come without outing yourself a liar to your potential future employer. Good luck with your next interview, and try and be a bit more careful next time…


    Obviously, you shouldn't do that, but what you can do now..
    Just admit it, tell everything like it is. Maybe they'll understand.

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