Incredibly long interview

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    Hi all,

    I have some questions about interviews and hope someone can help me to clarify my doubts.

    In last 20 months I had some interviews. The duration was usually 40 to 80 minutes ish (the successful ones around 1 hours or more).

    I have been contacted I while ago from a recruiter about a position, although he was seeking some skills that I have, he never sent me any job specs, nor told me what the requirements are. After about three weeks he called me again saying that I have an interview: a 2.5 hours interview, he said. He “sold” me the role very well (very high salary, very good company, etc. etc.). However, I still don’t know a thing about the role specifications and skills/experience required, I don’t know anything about duties and responsibilities either.

    The interview would be in another city so I would have to take a day off work and spend practically the entire day travelling by train. I expected a phone preliminary interview as it would be silly, in my honest opinion, invite somebody to an interview, let the person spending £100, 1 day off work – most of it spent in a train – when you don’t even know if there is a real possibility the person is the right one for the role. My profile is a little unusual and I have a combination/variety of skills that is not very common to find in a single person, however I do not think they are rare enough to justify a “blind choice”.

    I’ve found on line some information about the company and discovered they do “2.5 hours training courses” for new staff, this for employees working in a specific area of the company that is not the one I should be working in… Anyway, this 2.5 number allarmed me and made me think there is something wrong and I have been not exactly invited to an interview…

    “On paper” (their website) the company seems very professional, offering very interesting services all over the world and so forth. Searching deeper on the Internet though, I’ve found very bad reviews from ex-employees (they were mainly from other countries though).

    Any idea on this?

    Thank you for any help.

    Learnist Careers

    It sounds like you’ve been head-hunted, but it’s very unusual that they wouldn’t provide you with a full brief and job description. Personally I would contact the person who has contacted you, and ask for a full job description so that you can better understand the role which you might be applying for.  That’s not an unreasonable or inappropriate request.

    It is very unlikely that the person who has contacted you would describe an induction or 2.5 hour training session as an interview.  Instead it might be an interview/introduction to the company.  The only other thing you can do is to continue with your research online or maybe ring the company and see if you can speak to someone actually working in the department you are proposed to be.

    Good luck!

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