Rejected from every job I ever apply for

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Thank god for the internet and anonymity because I need to get this off my chest without embarrassing myself in front of someone.

    I am 25 years old. I job hunt every single day and have been for the last year. I must have filled in well over 500 applications and I have not got a single interview. I don’t even get a phone call. I’ve worked as a labourer when I left school but didn’t enjoy it so I got a job in Tesco, didn’t enjoy it so left and joined the Army, didn’t enjoy it so quit after my contract and went to college to get some qualifications for uni. Then I went to uni but dropped out after failing my first year twice.

    Money is not even the problem really. I get plenty on benefits that I can live just fine and happily so but I don’t want this lifestyle. Why won’t a single employeer give me a job it’s so depressing I just wonder why I bother. I’ve wasted probably around 1000+ hours applying for jobs, browsing the internet for something which I can do.

    I want a career but I don’t know what I would enjoy or what I want to do. I have applied for every type of job under the sun and I have to keep inventing reasons why I want a career in such and such field. I hate employers so much they’re so selfish and don’t give a seconds thought to the people who don’t degrees and are not gods gift to the job market.

    It’s making me really bitter and angry to the point where I just want to phone up every company that exists and unleash a full verbal assault. I don’t know what to do I am SO angry and depressed right now.

    Learnist Careers

    You’ve clearly had a hard time in the job hunt and I would suggest that you take a short time to focus.

    I don’t know how much information you have put on your CV about your previous careers, or how long you were with any of them, but if I was looking at your CV I would be reluctant to employ you also because of your inconsistent work history.  You have also clearly stated that you don’t know what field you are interested in and if you are suggesting this in your cover letter or CV, even by omission, you will not be selected for the next level.

    I would suggest that invest some time in working out what you want to do. What are your interests?  What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Do you enjoy singing?  Teaching?  Working with animals?
    Then take some time to jot down the things that you are already experienced in and/or good at.  What skills do you possess that could benefit someone else (there must be lots if you stuck it in the army for even a short time).

    Once you have put these things together try to form some sort of job role that matches these.  Once you are motivated to find a career that you think you would really enjoy, you will find that this shines through in your application form and is likely to be noticed by employers.  Don’t just go for the first thing that’s out there, work out what you want to do then pick up the phone and speak to prospective employers.

    If you get stuck at any point in the above process, please let us know and we’d be happy to help you some more.


    It is a good idea to ask somebody to take a look over your CV to see if there is anything that you could improve upon. Also, if you know the type of work that you want to get into, it might be good to try and get some voluntary work under your best in that general industry, because then you would have a lot more experience that you could talk about when you’re at any interviews that you might get.

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