Service Charge Experience

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  • #33541

    Hi there, looking for some advice on career progression…

    I currently work as a facilities manager in a shopping centre in London, for a small facilities company, providing security, parking, cleaning services etc and basically I eventually want to be on the other side, and work for a managing agents as a centre manager or building manager, contracting out the services to other companies. However for this I need to get ‘service charge experience’ to deal with the tenants who occupy the shopping centre – stores, concessions etc, which is not something I currently have to deal with in my role (except from an operational perspective).

    Can anyone advise a good way to get experience in dealing with service charge budgets, collecting rent from tenants etc, or any courses to get me started? As until I have this I doubt I will be able to progress in the direction I want to.

    Thank you in advance!

    Learnist Careers

    Well that’s an interesting one… there are bound to be courses available in accounts management and dealing with customer service etc, but I am of the opinion that experience is 10 times more valuable than a certificate.

    I would suggest that you get involved in something outside of work to gain the extra experience.  Perhaps you can get in touch with your local estate agent or volunteer your services to a letting company and gain some experience (and contacts that way).

    Have you actually tried applying for jobs in the field that you are interested in?  As it may be companies will recognise your skills and potential and be prepared to train you in the skills which need developing.

    Good luck.

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