Should I disclose about tattoos during a job interview?

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    Should i disclose about my tattoos during my job interview? I have an interview coming up next week and I have just found that the company is not very good with them tattoos.

    Shall i be honest and let them know about my situation or just cover them up?



    Legally a company cannot judge you based on tattoos, however, that doesn't mean they don't make a judgement.  I myself have four tattoos, one of which is around my wrist, and I always wear long sleeves or a chunky watch over it for interviews and the like. This is a conscious decision, and it comes down to me personally having a very traditional view of what others deem to be professional.

    If you have offensive tattoos, such as those depicting guns, knives, needles, nudity or swearing, then absolutely unquestionably you should cover them in all professional environments.

    If you attend an interview for the NHS, their 'bare below the elbow' policy stipulates no offensive tattoos and you should therefore disclose them. However, if a company is simply 'not good with' tattoos as you say, I'd cover them for the interview and not disclose them unless they ask. They shouldn't ask though, because they open themselves up to lawsuits if they then don't hire you as a result of you having tattoos.

    Typically, in an environment where your tattoos can be covered by uniform or other clothing, then there is no issue. There is no correct answer to your question but you should use your best judgement.

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