Stroud Jobs fair – Stroud fair attracted hundreds of visitors

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  • #33201
    Learnist Careers

    A successful jobs fair that was held last week in Stroud attracted hundreds of visitors, building upon a previous event that was held in the summer.

    The TABS Training event also offered careers advice all day to interested job seekers.  Companies and organisations that attended included Asda, Hays Accountancy, Bromford Housing, Age UK, GCHQ, Stroud District Council, First Base, Renishaw, Omega Resource, GlosJobs, Stroud Valley Project, Prospect Training, Renishaw, Ecotricity and 2Gether NHS Trust.

    The organiser of the event declared that he was very pleased with the attendance, both from potential employers and local job seekers.  The last jobs fair in the area had been held in July and it was agreed that this event had built upon the success of the previous one.  Job seekers were successful in obtaining interviews and finding out what they needed to do to get into work or develop their careers.

    It is hoped that the jobs fair will become a regular event, offering a convenient and effective way for those who need to fill vacancies to meet people who are interested in working for them.  Any employers who are keen on attending future job fairs should contact Kevin Holland on 01453 751 555.


    Excellent, job fairs can be a great way to find a job if you need one.  Not everyone will attend them though and I feel they should have more publicity, if they become a regular option then that is even better


    I am from Stroud and did not see this Jobs Fair advertised. I have been to one in the past and have to agree that they can be a really great place to find out more about opportunities that are available and what companies are like to work for. I expect this was publicised in the local paper, which I tend not to read, but maybe more posters, leaflets and banners could have been more useful by way of promotion.

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