Top 10 Excuses for Calling in Sick

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #33576
    Learnist Careers

    Almost everyone has called in sick at one time or another and some of the excuses and believable and some are clearly outrageous. Below is a list of excuses that some people have used to get a day off sick.

    Dodgy food the night before

    If you have had a dodgy take away or food the night before, this is a regular excuse given to employers. Difficult to prove and not out of the realms of being untrue.


    Having a headache or migraine seems to be a popular excuse for being unable to come into work. Difficult to prove and an easy thing to say as you don’t even have to sound ill to call in sick.

    Been up all night ill

    If for one thing or another you have been up all night through illness, or child ill or some other reason then calling in sick for lack of sleep is another reason which may not always go down well but will usually be accepted.

    Child sick therefore unable to call in sick

    Not completely meaning that you are sick but if you are a parent and your child is sick then it leaves you in a position of being unable to come into work therefore you have to call in sick.

    Emergency dental treatment

    If you have lost a tooth or have a sore gum or worse an abscess then you will need to get an emergency dental appointment leaving you unable to attend work and having to call in sick as an appointment will be whenever the practice can fit you in not when you actually want to go. Teeth and gum problems are usually very painful too which makes it difficult if trying to concentrate at work.


    If you have been sick in the night through a bug or something similar then you will no doubt need to call in sick the next morning. Sick bugs can spread like wildfire so that it is not always in the best interests of anyone to spread a bug.

    Car broken down

    Your car has broken down and you are unable to get to work. Means that you need to call in sick not only because you can’t get there but also because you will have to use the time to get your car fixed so that you can go back to work.

    Locked in the house, partner taken the door key by accident

    This is a scenario that has happened a few times and does happen but depending on where your partner works will only give you a few hours off sick as logically a partner will return the key as quickly as possible so you are not trapped all day.

    Engineer or workman call out

    If you have something such as a workman or an engineer coming out to fix a washer or a boiler etc then it’s inevitable if you don’t think your employer will be helpful that you will call in sick.

    Snowed in

    Winter is always a difficult time and being snowed in means that a lot of people struggle to get to work themselves never mind if they have kids to take to school or some such other so it is a possibility that you could call in sick due to snow and bad weather.

    photo by: ray


    You should always be wary before you decide to make an excuse about going into work. If you get yourself a reputation for being off a lot, you may find that people judge you because of that, so you need to make sure you’re in as much as you possibly can be. You would not be recommended for another job if you weren’t in regularly.

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