unsociable hours

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I have recently been to interview and really liked the sound of the job and then they said the hours would be 12pm to 8.30pm.  I dont know whether these hours would suit me and dont know whether to take the job or not.  I would have preferred a 9-5 office job, what should I do if it is offered to me ?

    Learnist Careers

    The answer to whether or not to take the job is a personal one.  If you really won’t get on with the hours then you should consider not taking the vacancy if it is offered to you, however are these really unsociable hours??  They offer a lie-in in the morning  or head to the shops while the town is quiet and finishing times are not too late in the evening for you to go out or get jobs done.
    Personally if you’re keen on the job I think you should take it.  There may be an opportunity in the future to apply for alternative hours that suit you better.


    Everyone is different and prefers different hours, however you should ask yourself whether you can afford to turn the job down. Many people couldn’t, and there is a lot to be said for accepting a role, even if it might not be exactly what you are looking for, just for the experience that it would get you. You may even find that you like it, or that you have the chance to change your hours further down the line.

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