What is a Cover Letter

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  • #31672
    Learnist Careers

    What is a Cover Letter?

    Cover Letter is a summary of what it says in your CV in clean and table free way. This text should be short and to the point and must say include what you really want from the employer.

    There are different types of Cover Letters such as the one you write with your job application form, Thank you letter (when you get the job), a letter which states that you accept the job offer, and the last one is declination letter which explains that you changed your mind and you are no longer interested in the job.

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    cover letter is important along with resume to get an interview call…….in this we mention what we want and why we want,address & phone no…


    Cover letter is also called as first impression maker. Its just a summary of our resume written in 2-3 paragraphs.


    Cover letter is also important along with the CV. In cover letter you can describe briefly why you are opting the position and the skills you have which you cannot describe in your resume. 

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