What type of IT jobs are available?

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  • #33811

    I’m just curious about what are some of the fun IT jobs that are out there in industry.

    Personally, I’m not a fan of deep programming, which means sitting in front of a computer 24/7 (sort of to say) typing thousands of lines of code.

    However, I like doing some programming like web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL). I also see this more as a hobby.

    Some of the jobs in IT I’m not really keen about are database management, hardware & software support, computer networking.

    These are do-able, but personally feel that these are too technical. I see myself more to become a business side kind of person, i.e. dealing with customers, communicating with people, closing deals, etc. (which sounds like IT consultancy, in the long run).

    I am sure there are many more. I would like to hear your comments and additions.

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