What words shouldn’t be used in an online job application form?

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  • #33392
    Learnist Careers

    Companies are receiving thousands of job applications online so they are using software’s that detects certain words and reject the candidate.

    Words not to use on the online applications forms vary, each company probably has a different list of words that they don’t want their applicants to write so it’s best to be unique and don’t repeat the same things.

    What is your list of words to use and not to use?


    Well, firstly the obvious ones, no swear words.  Following on from that, I guess no words that could cause offense to anyone of any race religion or colour.  Try and stay neutral and be as unique as you can be without it sounding like you have tried too hard


    This is a tricky one because of personal taste. However, i would be careful to steer away from any offensive words of course. Also anything political, religious or even cool I would avoid. Also be sure not to use any text speak type abbreviations or phrases that may only be known to certain people.

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