Forex For Beginners: 4 Tips To Stay Ahead Of New Competitors

The year 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for most. People that thought they were settled with a fancy job that paid their bills and got them some extra cash for savings were hit the most by the outbreak of a global pandemic. A crisis is always accompanied by a range of startling realizations, the most profound being: you cannot survive with a single income stream.

The financial experts say that diversifying your income streams has become instrumental, if you want to navigate the upcoming economic turmoil, rather comfortably. When looking to increase your monthly income, the first thing that comes to mind is going online and searching for freelance jobs within your skillset. But the problem is, you cannot juggle between a 9-5 job and freelancing since you have to leverage your hours to earn a client. This can not only leave you restless but also cause an imminent burnout.

In this case, Forex trading is the most suitable extra income stream. People think that forex trading is all about luck and taking a gamble. Believe us when we say that FX trading is more like a science, one that requires strategies and methods that can leverage trading potential and still protect from risk. If you are considering earning from Forex trading, here are 5 tips that will help you brave the initial storm and start progressing.

Start With A Demo Trading Account

Practice makes perfect. This quote encapsulates the beginner’s success philosophy in the realm of Forex trading. The actual forex market is impulsive, competitive, and volatile. If you miss out on an important statistic, then you only have half the knowledge before you lock in a currency position or trade. Trading with half-baked knowledge can be catastrophic for your actual money investment, therefore it is crucial that you try out with a demo account.

The best practice is to trade with a demo account for a good two months. This will help you endure the actual market simulation, and see how trades work. Who knows that you find a lost potential while using the demo account. Before you log onto to get access to seasoned Direct Market Access brokers, giving yourself a demo account Bootcamp is important.

Follow The Trend

Trading along the stride of a trend is instrumental in getting you success in the forex trading zone. Trends are statistics that point in a specific direction. They point out the highs and lows of a currency or commodity trading pair and depict important information regarding your chances of earning. If a trend is capitalized at the right time, a forex trader can cash out at the right moment and increase the chances of monetary success.

Trading with the trend is the most important FX tip that you can keep in mind. Most beginner traders think that they are going out of the box by trading against the trend. Little do they know that this is the cause of their destruction.

Be Wary Of The Risk to Reward Ratio

Forex trading is not free of its share of risk and loss of investment. With risk, comes the opportunity to earn as well. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the risk to reward ratio before committing to a trade. This will give you a keen insight into the risk tolerance that you can endure. If a certain trade appears to be extremely lucrative but comes with a risk that is beyond your threshold, then you should put in the stops to keep your trading journey afloat. Remember that trading requires to put in arithmetic calculations to evaluate all factors before starting a trade.

Add Positions Cautiously

Never add further positions to trades that have not been profitable in the past. This is a golden rule that all seasoned forex traders echo. You should only add positions to those trades that have been profitable in the longer run. The first reason of failure for most beginner traders is that they do not pay enough attention to positions, and end up opening new in trades that are bound to go astray, according to the market conditions.


The above tips are enough to get you attracted to the world of forex trading. The best part about trading is that it doesn’t leverage your hours as if you were selling a service. With a little practice, you can hone the craft of understanding lucrative trends and making the most out of them.

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