How Can Blogging Help you Get your Next Job

We were talking about how social media can help us find a job and the digital footprint that you leave – in other words your online reputation – can damage our prospective employment if you are not careful. I think it’s time to talk about the benefits of using social media and blogging. It’s completely our responsibility to ensure that the only breadcrumbs we leave behind us are positive so that whenever a potential employer wants to research against our names they can see only positive things that that we are happy for them to see rather than just whatever they find there.

So how can blogging help me get a job and secure the one I already have?

# Basically your blog is your CV!

Just like with your LinkedIn Profile or Facebook or Twitter URL, the blog you own can be a demonstration of your CV too. When the recruiter types your name into Google, the first thing they will see could be either your blog or social media profiles so we can understand that it is vital for these sources of information about you must show you in an excellent light and give a good impression to the employer, right?

If you are an Engineer then post things that demonstrate your passion towards that profession, or details about the projects that you have been involved in including links where possible. If you are in Marketing or Sales then post some kind of unique tips to increase sales etc. which employers will love.  It doesn’t look like you are advertising your skills and knowledge as you would on your CV or job application, yet that’s exactly what you’re doing!

# Blogging is a powerful way to connect!

Networking is everything in this age so somebody who has no contacts (friends on Facebook, Followers on Twitter, connections on Linkedin etc) means they can’t even build a network with their social friends so this is not a good impression for the employers.

It is widely accepted that the more contacts you have listed with your Social Media profiles, the more likely these are to assist you in your job hunt.  Whether you are actively searching for a new role, or passively sitting back and waiting for someone to approach you about a possible opportunity.

If you write good content and share it on social media then it will receive attention and help you grow your network online and increase your visibility.

# Blogging is a powerful way to leave a good image

As mentioned above keeping your online reputation strong means a better chance of finding a new job or securing the one you already have. If you have something useful and unique on your blog then there is no reason why readers shouldn’t like it including prospect employers.

# Blogging will keep you active

You can’t be a good blogger (blog-writer) until you have done plenty of research and reading into and around the subject of your blog.  Even if you’re writing on the topic of your current job role, lots of reading and researching will keep you active and at the forefront of your chosen subject, demonstrating you are still passionate about the subject and keen to continue learning and improving.

Its always good not to be out-dated and it’s very easy to be outdated, particularly in the technology, IT, science and medical professions in this internet age. Things can change in seconds!

# Blogging helps you become employable

An active blogger would always look better than somebody just wasting time on Facebook, posting silly images and videos or talking about what they had on their toast this morning. You should also make sure that your blog has a professional look so you can invest in a professional, easy to read and navigate and good looking design.

What you are writing on your site/blog is also important. Add something that would highlight your skills and interests. The CV is no longer a piece of paper and must be alive and imaginative and not dead. If something is alive then it would always require feeding, in this case with new information and content which will attract attention.

Last Updated
Categorized as Job Search

By Guest Author

This article is written by a guest author. You can also publish your articles on by contacting us on Twitter.

1 comment

  1. I would urge all to remember just how much of an effect social media can have on your chances of getting a job. A blog is great, as you can make sure that you only put your best foot forward – however you should also remember that they may able to see your other social networking accounts, too, so if there is anything unfavourable on there, you may want to remove it.

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