How to Adopt a Raw Vegan Diet?

Adopting a vegan lifestyle is probably the best thing you could ever do for your body, animals and the planet. However, if you wish to get the full benefits from the food you are eating, it is better to have it in its purest form, this is why the raw vegan diet is so successful amongst people who care about their health and fitness. But how does it work? Here are 4 tips to get you started.

What is a raw vegan diet?

A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed, raw, plant-based foods, it involves no cooking and of course, excludes any food or products of animal origins. This diet is generally rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains. By doing so, it is believed to be able to significantly lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, heart disease risk and aid weight loss.

Grow your own food

If you’ve got the space, you should definitely consider growing your own vegetables and fruits. It doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive; you can buy certain tools second-hand or even rent some for a small fee. Bear in mind that if you live in a wet, windy environment or wish to grow exotic fruits you should invest in a polytunnel or a greenhouse. You can find a good selection on specialised websites such as Premier Polytunnels. Growing your own food is a fun, inexpensive way to get food for your raw vegan diet.

Educate yourself

Though it may seem simple, you need to educate yourself on the raw vegan diet to avoid frustration and sickness. Indeed, being able to know how to get your vitamins, minerals, iron or protein for example. It is essential to avoid becoming deficient and therefore ill. You want to have all the information at the ready when it comes to planning your meals.

Prepare your food

With a raw diet, you need to master the art of preparing your food militarily, make sure you always have snacks such as fruits and nuts on hand just in case you suddenly get hungry. Also, try to avoid leaving your lunch “prep” for the morning before going to work for example. Creating a wholesome and amazing salad can take time because you need to make sure to add the right ingredients.

Eat often and enough

On a “normal” diet, it can seem counterproductive to spend your time eating, however on a raw vegan diet, you can pretty much consume a great volume of food regularly without having to worry about it, just because it is low in calories. So, don’t be scared or feel guilty about snacking every few hours, it is advised to maximise your energy levels.

A raw vegan diet can be quite scary for people who are used to cooking their food or buying a lot of processed food. However, the benefits from it are incredible and should help you to rise to your full potential. We would advise to always check with your doctor first before starting any kind of diet.

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