How to Become an Immigration Officer

How to become an Immigration Officer. Have you ever thought about becoming an Immigration Officer in the UK?

Immigration Officer Job Description:

Immigration Officers are persons who are responsible for protecting the border. They check that those entering the country are entitled to do so. Immigration Officers are generally expected to be reasonable, fair, Level -headed and willing to take circumstances into account and capable of remaining calm in stressful situations. The hours vary, but tend to be 8 hour shifts. Being an Immigration Officer is a good job for many people, but the key traits to have are a morally conscious personality, helpful, intuitive and calm under pressure. You must be aware of the immigration laws of the United Kingdom, and not be prejudiced towards anyone.

Entry Requirements

To become an Immigration Officer you must be a UK National with no restrictions on your stay. You will have to pass a security clearance. The UK Border Agency does have a Civil Service Fast Track program that graduates can enter which will see you placed in various different departments within the civil service, and will help you fast track your career into immigration control.

Responsibilities and Duties

Standard duties vary from day to day. Immigration officer will often be posted in the passport control areas of airports, sea ports and international rail terminals. You will be responsible for examining passports to ensure that the person presenting the passport is the person pictured. You will also be responsible for finding forged documents. You may need to conduct interviews with anyone suspected of illegal entry. You will be responsible for arranging interpreters where you cannot speak with the traveller. You may need to liaise with the Police or security agencies where a known threat may be present. You might have to refuse entry to persons and make arrangement for them to be returned to their country of origin. Likewise you may have to find accommodation for those who are seeking asylum in this country. You may even be responsible for carrying out raids on premises suspected of harbouring persons who are not entitled to be in the UK and working with the relevant authorities to press charges against those persons.

Working Hours

These may vary depending on the duties and job you are doing. Many Immigration Officers work in Airports and this is a 24 hour role, so you will have the option of a variety of shifts at different times of the day. Ferry and Rail postings tend to be more sociable hours as there are less overnight arrivals. The shifts are usually 8-12 hours.

Skills and Training Development

Immigration Officers can expect to progress through their careers with improving skills and knowledge as well as time served. You might find yourself promoted to Chief Immigration Officer, or head of passport and security control within an airport. If you study common foreign languages or complete courses relating to different cultures, this would be vastly beneficial to your promotion potential.

Average Salary

The Average Salary for a Trainee Immigration Officer is £17,000
The Average Salary for a Qualified Immigration Officer is £21,000

By Jessica Gohier

Resume Expert / Recruiter Profilia CV

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