CV writing for a Temp position

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  • #31776
    Learnist Careers

    Please read the article about How to Write a CV for a Temporary Job and then discuss about it here.


    Resume is same for every profile …we have to mention address,qualification,experience,projects,achievement…


    I think the CV you use for a temp job should be the same as you write for any job, although it may be useful to tailor it slightly. If you are taking a temp job, it is not always good to mention whether you want full time employment (if you do) in either your CV or cover letter because wanting full time employment may imply you will not complete the temporary contract, while saying you are not seeking full time employment may prevent them from offering you a job.

    Emphasise your dedication and reliability: these are key for applicants to temp jobs. You need to let them know you can apply yourself to anything and everything!

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