Lidl Assessment Centre Interview

Lidl assessment centre interviews will involve a number of stages. You will start by receiving a presentation about the company and the roles available and you will be able to ask questions. It could therefore be good to have some questions prepared for this part. This means that you will already need to have done some research about the company in order to put together questions. You will probably have done this for your initial interview anyway, but it could be worth going over the information again or looking in to things in more depth if you can. You will then have to take part in a group interview. This will involve working in a group and answering certain questions. It is rather like a group exercise but everyone is expected to contribute when answering the questions. Working in a group can be tricky, but be yourself but try to make sure that your point of view is heard but without stamping out anyone else. It can be good to try to make sure that everyone in the group gets the chance to speak, if you can. Try to draw them in to the discussion without preventing you own voice being heard. You will also take a numeracy test which will give you a selection of maths questions that you have to answer without using a calculator.

You will have a one to one interview at the assessment centre as well. This may take part of the same day as the other tasks or they may be scheduled for another day where only a selection of candidates will be asked to take part. The interview is 40 minutes and will have a senior manager or HR manager present. You will be asked motivational and competency questions. Similar questions may be asked to those in the initial interview as it will be conducted by a different person.

Related: Lidl Application Form

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Categorized as Job Tests

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