6 Effective Study Break Ideas

Studying is an important key to educational growth. It helps build your knowledge and acquire problem-solving skills. While it is important, taking breaks is equally vital. A continuous study period without a break causes stress, which leads to burnout.

It’s therefore important you have a good reading plan with the inclusion of an effective break. A good mix of both enhances your creativity, and confidence and also boosts your levels of concentration. A well-rested mind gives you the best results in retention and productivity.

Here at Learnist, there are several ways through which you can motivate yourself to study better. They include defining your study periods and setting clear goals among others. Apart from these, including breaks in your routine is another effective method. We have explained six ways through which you can take study breaks below.

Engage in a Minor Exercise

After long hours of sitting at your desk and staring at the computer screen, you may get a head or eye ache. Thus, it is important to take a 10 to 20-minute break.

During this period, you can engage in yoga or take a walk.  The act aids in the adequate circulation of blood flow and boosts your concentration.

Engaging in any form of exercise also helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Retention and improved thinking ability are also benefits you enjoy from taking a few minutes to move your body. In general, exercise is the easiest and cheapest way to boost your health.

Take a Nap

Napping is essential to a healthy lifestyle and comes in handy when studying too. Giving yourself breaks in between your reading periods aids in efficient retention of content you have already read.

Most students cut back on sleeping as a way to catch up on their studying. Such, however, only puts them under more anxiety and stress. VeryWellMind states that taking a 20-minute to 1-hour nap is refreshing for the brain and boosts memory retention.

If you practice taking naps, you will realize focusing becomes way easier once you wake up.

Play some Games

You can also take a break from studying by playing some games on your mobile phone. They have been proven to be an effective means of relieving stress.

After studying for hours, it is important to take time off to have a little bit of fun. Doing something not related to studying for 10 to 30 minutes also helps you feel more relaxed. Experts have recommended games as effective study tools for people with dyslexia.

There are different kinds of board games that stimulate the brain and help improve cognitive functions and memory. For instance, table games like chess, and blackjack are proven to help in creativity and decision making. Some of these table games are offered at sites recommended by VegasSlotsOnline. What’s more, you are even available to play for free before playing for real money. And when you’re ready to play for real money, you can read unbiased reviews and claim a tasty welcome bonus.


In our daily lives, it is important we meditate. It helps in reducing stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Meditation can be practiced in any place. Studies show that taking up to 1-hour break in meditation reduces stress levels and boosts your energy levels.

After every meditation break, your brain is refreshed. Regular practice also erases negative thoughts which in turn reduce anxiety. When you do this during your reading break, you enjoy a creativity boost and easier comprehension. Healthline provides some meditation apps you can download online which serve as a guide.

Eat some Snacks

Studying consumes quite some energy. When you do this for long hours, it leaves you hungry and breaks concentration. If this is the case, you should have something to eat.

There are snacks that help boost brain performance like dark chocolates, nuts, and berries. They are helpful in keeping your energy levels stable and boosting your mental performance.

Talk to Someone

Reaching out to family and friends can serve as a means of social support and an instant energy boost. During periods where you have negative thoughts due to exam pressure, it becomes important to talk to someone who can help reduce any tension you feel.

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