Finding Work in a new Place – Top Five Tips

With the imminent Brexit and other goings on in the world, you might be feeling like a change of scenery and this could mean finding yourself looking for work in a new place. As with all job searching, having a good plan and getting the basics right will set you up well for success as you embark on this new journey!

My top five tips for finding work in a new place:

1. Check Your VISA

First and foremost, check what work restrictions may or may not come along with your VISA. Make sure you know the ins and outs, as I can guarantee that not a lot of employers will and the easier you can make it for them by knowing what you’re allowed to do, the better set you’ll be.

Make sure you know how many hours you can work a week (some student VISAs are very strict on this) and for how long you can work for any one employer for. This will also help when you start job searching, as you can tailor your searches to match your work rights.

2. Start Building a Network

We all know that finding work is a lot easier when you have a strong network you can refer to. This doesn’t have to compromise of friends and family. Start by looking up companies or organisations that can offer the type of work you’re looking for and connecting with their social media. Join professional networking groups, start volunteering and go to social meet ups – all can help you, whether by letting you know about current opportunities they know about, or keeping you in mind for the future. It can also help you start to build a picture of the current job market in your new city.

You don’t necessarily have to wait until you move to get started on this either. Start researching before you go so you’ll have a good head start when you’re there of where best to start looking.

3. Tap into Recruitment Agencies

They aren’t everyone’s favourite way of looking for work but when you’re starting out in a new place, they can be useful resource, even just to find temporary work to get on your CV.
Find out who the main ones are in your area, and their industry specialisms. Contact them directly, either by phone or email to arrange a meeting to discuss work potentials. Be pro-active and let them know clearly what you can and can’t do.

Don’t assume once you’ve met with a recruiter that your work there is done. Make sure you keep in contact with them regularly, by email or phone, and keep checking in on any new roles that come in. Stay proactive with them and they’ll remember you when suitable placements come on board.

They can also be a useful resource for checking your CV and giving help on the expectations for the area. Which leads me on to my next tip:

4. Check Your CV

I’ve spoken about it a number of times, there is no ‘perfect’ CV, and the preference for a ‘good’ CV changes depending on whose looking at it but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some key do’s and don’ts when it comes to writing a CV.

Different cities and countries can have their own preferred view of a ‘good’ CV so it’s a good idea to get yours checked by people you know in the area for tips on any changes you might need to make. Friends can help you with this, but so can recruitment agents. Another good source is your local careers hub if you’re a student, or asking for any feedback from employers when you’re looking for work.

It all helps to make sure you’re fitting in with the local recruitment ‘etiquettes’ and to help your CV stay in the pile, rather than in the bin.

5. Get Your References in Order

This fits in with knowing local recruitment practices. As I found out recently, in the UK we don’t ask for or contact references prior to offering the candidate the position. Not the case in Australia where they contact references first as a way of helping them make a decision about who to offer the role to.

Make sure you have three references – usually, one will be your most recent employer, a previous employer and I would also make sure you have a character referee as well. Let your referees know you will be using them as references (and check that they’re happy for you to!) and make sure you have all their correct contact information. This way you’ll be organised and prepared, as will your referees, when you need them – which makes for a much better impression and smoother process.

As always, there are no ‘quick wins’ when it comes to finding a new job. It takes time, patience and commitment. Make sure you keep proactive and seek feedback where you can. Keep your CV and written applications tailored, and get someone else to proof read them before submitting.

Remember: if you’re not hearing back, review and refresh your CV, cover letter, and job requirements. If it’s not working – change it!


photo by: sealegssnapshots

By Elaine Mead

Elaine Mead has been an Employment and Careers Advisor for 2years, working with individuals who have been long term unemployed. She is also an academic and employability skills tutor.

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