Overcoming Common Challenges in Learning Arabic

Learning Arabic is a goal worth pursuing. There is an entire culture hidden away in a language that, even though it can be translated, can’t be fully appreciated unless you can speak, read, and write Arabic as it was meant to be. Developing this skill will not be an easy task and it will have its challenges butas you become more adept in this beautiful language, you will be more than happy you chose tostick with it.. Here are a few tips to overcome the common challenges that come with learning Arabic.

1.    Have a Plan

Even though may seem like a simplistic first step, a common challenge for many people who are learning to speak Arabic is that they don’t have a conscious plan of how they are going to accomplish this monumental task. Write it down. How long do you want it to take? At what pace will you practice? Who will your teachers be? How can you reduce your learning curve? Making a plan will set you on the path to success.

2.    Find a Teacher

Learning Arabic is not something that you can easily do on your own. Arabic Language Solutions, an Arabic tuition company in London, said,“Make sure that you have a teacher to help you navigate the complexities and nuances of the language.” The subtleties in the written forms and spoken forms of Arabic are what cause many people issues as they learn this beautiful language. Plus, a teacher will have tips and techniques to facilitate your learning process.

3.    Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice your letter sounds. Write down each letter of the alphabet. Label everyday items in your home. Speak to yourself in the mirror. Write down your goals in Arabic next to the language you speak now so that you can see how they look next to each other. Listen to radio or television programs in Arabic. Practice can be done in any number of different ways and can happen many different times during the day.

4.    Use Multiple Methods

Not all people learn the same way. One common challenge is feeling stuck at a particular point in your language growth. If this happens, try a different method to see if it helps to move you past the roadblock.

5.    Remind Yourself Why You Are Learning Arabic

Doing something for the sake of doing is a one-way ticket to quitting. That is what it can feel like if you don’t remind yourself why you are learning Arabic. Personal motivation is what will drive you to push yourself over the hump that inevitably comes. Do you want to speak to your grandmother in her native tongue? Are you learning your spouse’s language to be able to teach it to your children? Are you moving to an area where Arabic is the main language? These are all powerful motivators and having your “WHY” in front of you will give you the drive you need to keep going when learning gets tough.

6.    Put Your Ego Aside

A challenge that surprises many Arabic learners, or any person learning a new skill, is that they don’t want to look bad, even to themselves. Feeling foolish is common and it can be enough to stop people in their tracks. Do not pay attention to this. Put your ego aside and remember that babies fall before they can walk, and no one thinks less of a child for striving to be better. Failing forward is the only way forward and if you can put your ego aside, it will make the journey much easier.

7.    Celebrate Your Victories

Learning a new language is almost like climbing a mountain. Ask any mountain climber and they will tell you, “Don’t worry about the peak. Just worry about what is in front of you… and take the time to enjoy the view as you are climbing!” It is common for people, even when they are making progress, to worry about how much more there is to learn. Do not fall into his trap. There will always be more to learn! Make sure to celebrate your victories and remember that progress is made one step at a time and with consistent work, you will experience the mountain peak of understanding Arabic as you develop your languages skills.

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