The Benefits of an MBA Degree for Your Career

When it comes to advancing in your career, no matter which industry you work in, moving your way up into management roles (or creating them for yourself through entrepreneurship) can give you a big boost. Heading up a team can increase your salary and also give you access to more interesting and challenging tasks as well as perks such as travel and an increased profile.

There are lots of ways to help yourself get into a top management position, but education can play a big part. An MBA degree, in particular, is a popular option for many career-minded people. Helpfully, since you can get an MBA without a business degree, this path is open to a wide variety of candidates, too.

If you’re ready to go back to school, read on for some of the key reasons why you might want to consider enrolling in this kind of program today.

Learn the Skills You Need to Lead a Team

One subject that’s talked about a lot within an MBA is leadership. No matter whether you plan to work for yourself or become a manager for another company, you will need to have impeccable leadership skills. During an MBA, you will learn about different management styles and other related topics; plus, you’ll get the chance to start developing your own leadership ability.

You will be forced to stretch yourself as you tackle projects for your degree that may be outside your comfort zone, whether through individual or group tasks or when you do practical work experience at other firms. However, the more you practice new things and learn from your peers and professors, the better you will get at leading and the more comfortable it will feel.

During an MBA program, you will also learn many other skills for making timely, effective decisions as a leader. For instance, you’ll learn about finance, accounting, technology, analytics, human resources, international markets, laws, systems, marketing, sales and the like. By having knowledge of these topics, you will confidently choose a way forward and inspire, motivate and engage your team as a result.

Develop Helpful Personal Strengths

Of course, there are lots of really helpful personal strengths, or “soft skills,” that you’ll develop during your studies which will stand you in good stead throughout your career. For instance, during an MBA you will have to hone abilities in communicating (verbally and in writing) and interacting well with others to build connections.

You’ll also have to get good at managing your time, being organized, thinking critically, negotiating, resolving conflicts, focusing on details as well as big-picture strategies, analyzing and synthesizing large amounts of information and thinking creatively.

Make Key Contacts

Another big plus that comes from completing an MBA degree is that during your time at university you will have the chance to meet a wide array of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Many graduates of business degrees find that the networking they do ends up contributing immensely to their professional and personal lives.

The friends you make in an MBA program can end up offering invaluable support to you during your career. They may act as sounding boards and listening posts when you face challenges and could be on-hand to help you problem-solve issues. They might also end up becoming your business partners, investors, suppliers, employees, customers, advocates, contractors or referrers.

Become More In-Demand and Enjoy Greater Job Security

A key reason you might have for doing an MBA degree is that by getting this qualification you will become a more in-demand employee or entrepreneur. After all, once you have this important piece of paper, you will be viewed more favorably by recruiters and hiring managers and will stand out from other candidates who apply for jobs without such qualifications. You will also likely enjoy better job security, as often companies let go less qualified employees when they have to downsize.

Plus, keep in mind that if you decide to open or buy a venture for yourself, it might be easier to get investment or receive approval for a lending application if you are suitably qualified in the area of business. Those looking to part with their money like to see that CEOs not only understand business topics but also have a history of committing to big projects and seeing them through. Finishing an MBA is a good example of this.

By Guest Author

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