Top 10 Indicators That You Need to Find a New Job

Sometimes you can be oblivious to what is happening around you or sometimes it is blatantly obvious. It is very important to keep your eyes and ears open in your place of work and look for any signals that you should be picking up on.

There are various ways of spotting this that do not just include reflecting on your own workload but of what is happening to the company. Keep an eye out for some or all of the below warning signs.

# There’s an uneasy feeling around the company

Have you noticed the company doing badly? Heard any rumours? Is the company open with their staff when things are going well or badly or is it hushed up and just like Chinese whispers. From my experience I would definitely say the latter so it makes it even more important to keep a close eye on what goes on around you.

# Redundancies in your department

If a business is not doing well or you have witnessed a number of redundancies or been part of a consultation process for redundancy then although you are not bound to be made redundant, there is a high chance and through this process employers will normally offer you the opportunity to go to interviews should you get any. It is worth bearing this in mind in case you get caught out.

# Being taken down the disciplinary route

If you have been called to a disciplinary hearing for something that you have done wrong then unless you can complete hold your hands up and say that yes you have done wrong it is worth bearing in mind that this route can sometimes have the effect you do not want it to and its always worth keeping your options open.

# Unhappy with how your job is progressing

Occasionally when you have been in a role for a fair amount of time you can get bored and a bit stale, going to work for the sake of needing a job rather than going to a job that you love and are enthusiastic about. This can be very obvious to your employers and you could be picked up on this, you attitude, how you come across and maybe even called to a review of your role.  Sometimes it is better to start looking for a new challenge before it gets to this stage for both the company and your own self esteem.

# Unable to do what you are meant to in your job

Sometimes because of the set up of a team or department you feel you are simply unable to do what you want to in the role you thought you were doing. From your point of view this is a sign to think about moving on if you feel it cannot be resolved internally as otherwise you will become resentful and that kind of attitude is never productive to a business or your career.

# Company re locating and not to an area you want to move to

If a company is looking to relocate its premises it will be open to employees to move with the company or leave their employment through choice. If they are moving to an area away from where you are settled this is not always possible leaving you in a difficult quandary as to what to do. If you are unable to move with the company then you are faced with little options and its time to move on.

# On a final written warning

Beware; if you have got a final written warning on your file then this usually stays on your personnel record for 12 months meaning that you are very close to leaving that employer unless the warning was totally justified and that you are happy that you are going to turn the situation around.

# Company not following procedures

If you suspect that a company is not following standard procedures such as giving out a contract of employment, following holiday regulations etc then this is a clear sign that something is not quite right and that they do not value their employees. Working in this manner is not right and finding a new career choice is the best advice.

# End of Contract

If you were taken on board for a contractual period of time and this is coming to an end, don’t rely on that contract being extended as there may be numerous reasons why it would not be extended and instead discuss this with your Line Manager and weigh up the options but all the while making sure that you also look for a new role to move to in case you need to or indeed want a new contract.

# Not got enough work to do

Most businesses operate on just enough staff and sometimes too little staff making people’s roles very busy indeed. This means that if there comes a time when you don’t have much work to do then you need to be asking why in case this is the way forward and in your area or as a whole there is not enough work. Keeping your eyes and ears open at all times in a work environment is very important for a long and successful career.

Last Updated
Categorized as Job Search

By Guest Author

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