Be Careful: Employers Eyes are on your Social Media

Social Media can be an excellent way to keep up to date with your friends and meet new people, but don’t forget that many unexpected people could be searching your accounts to find out if you are their next great employee. More and more companies, from HM Forces to small employers, are checking up on… Continue reading Be Careful: Employers Eyes are on your Social Media

Useful Courses To Boost Your Career

I don’t know about you, but every few months, I get these hideous pamphlets through the door telling me to attend college and take a pointless course that is neither relevant nor enjoyable and I usually pop it straight in the recycling bin (minus the staples).

Useful Subjects To Boost Your Career

Many of us, whether through force or through choice, carry out some form of CPD (continued professional development). However, lots of people just do not know how to go about it, or what will actually help them. Where should you start?

Ten Jobs for Unskilled Workers

In today’s economic climate and with the cost of education and training seemingly on the constant increase, more and more people are finding it difficult to afford an education in order to get a job.